Because wifebeaters are people, too!
Looking to castigate your disobedient wife? Held back by an interfering legal system infringing on your personal and property rights?
Why not move your family to beautiful Germany, find religion, and hope to have your case heard by this judge!
Why not move your family to beautiful Germany, find religion, and hope to have your case heard by this judge!
Labels: Responsible husbands, Unchaste women
Those wacky Germans!
Rhetorical question, I already know the answer....
Mark Steyn has written about a police force in BC that was advised not to intefer with wife-beating in Muslim house-holds because it would be offensive to their religion to try to stop the beatings.
A lawyer in Canada once tried to get his defendent off on murder charges because it was an honour killing and part of the defendents culture.
Multiculturalism gone crazy exists everywhere.
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