Friday, July 21, 2006

"Accidental Tourists"

I think this here is just an emotional issue for Garth Turner et al, prompted by the media focusing strictly on comments of criticism from Lebanese-Canadians, and not giving airtime or print space to the numerous comments of praise and gratitude. (Thanks to Springer for the link)

Turner's a very, very emotional man, and doesn't think with his head nearly enough, alas.

Instead of his unreasonable outburst of outrage directed at Lebanese-Canadians, he could have instead generated more publicity for the Canada-praising comments left mainly ignored by the media, who are trying their best to whip everyone into a frenzy. (It's working on Turner)

That's the real shame here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Garth's defense: when he was interviewed on CBC's "The Current" on Thursday, he said that all Canadians in Lebanon should be repatriated, and then after that has been done, we should be open to have debate on who deserves what level of treatment the next time something like this happens.

I don't agree with him. In my mind, a Canadian citizen is a Canadian citizen. But if he wants to have a debate on when citizenship should be yanked, then fine, let's have it. Then again, I only heard his bit on CBC, so maybe I missed hearing something else he said.


Friday, July 21, 2006 12:54:00 PM  
Blogger Jacques Beau Vert said...

Hey e,

I missed the Current yesterday -- I have to say, that's a much more sensible position (to debate about next time) than to suggest we focus on certain citizens before others, which is more Derek Lee's position, and which I, wrongly, assumed from the article was Turner's position, too.

Although, my main point is that the media's done a really bad job of covering Lebanese-Canadian sentiment, and has stirred up a lot of anti-L-C feeling by only reporting very harsh criticisms - which is unfair to the Lebanese-Canadian community, and to Canada.

Thanks, though, very much for the update on The Current, wish I'd caught it.

Friday, July 21, 2006 1:04:00 PM  

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